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working in cocoa!


Walkable Brevard is helping to bring improvements to the Diamond Square area in Cocoa. A study was done recently involving citizens and local leaders, and there is some renewed activity on bringing new life to this economically troubled area! Walkable Brevard is proud to be a part of this effort. We will be giving updates on the blog and facebook page as we move forward. Meanwhile, contact us if you're interested in helping!

street trees

Street trees provide shade from the sun on the sidewalk and the street are essential to the safety and comfort of walkers.  These and many more benefits are outlined in this article by Dan Burden titled “22 Benefits of Urban Street Trees”:


Walkable Brevard is initiating a program to plant street trees all over our county. We are modeling this effort after some successful programs that have been done in other places including Orange County.  Contact us today if you are interested in bringing street trees to your block or neighborhood!  Click "read more" to see the article on the Walkable Brevard blog...

walkability 101

Just what is Walkable Brevard all about and what we are trying to accomplish?  Allow us to recommend an article on our Wordpress blog that gives a basic introduction to our philosophy and strategy.  The article is titled "A Better Way to Build Things".  It talks about the importance of building places for people rather than for cars and how creating complete, compact, and connected walkable neighborhoods will bring greater walkability to our area.  Click "read more" to go to the article...

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